Pharmacovigilance Veterinary Medicines
Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety relate to understanding of signals and prevention of adverse events (possible side-effects) of a (veterinary) medicine. In industry, pharmacovigilance is the science of collecting information about potential drug-related adverse events to prevent unwanted side-effects of a (veterinary) medicine taken into account the risk-benefit balance of this medicine related to the animal, human and environment.
Our Service in Pharmacovigilance Veterinary Medicines
Regulatory Contact person within the EU.
Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV) or QPPV Deputy/ Back up.
Within veterinary medicines, available 24/7 for Marketing Authorisation Holder’s and Authorities.
External Pharmacovigilance or Regulatory Affairs Veterinary Back up - Consultant;
Prepare and perform Internal Audit´s on the Pharmacovigilance System of the company.
Set up a Detailed Description of Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF).
Send in Variations regarding the change of EU QPPV or PSMF location in UPD.
Maintenance of the Pharmacovigilance System on-line by a secured environment (Norton). Register within OMS-SPOR.
Collecting data and notifying competent authorities in time on sending Expedited Reports of case reports/ ICSR's to Competent Authorities via EudraVigilance (Human and Veterinary) or to National Authorities outside the EU through a secured environment CESP or Eudralink.
Certified EV data entry and XEVMPD.
Writing Benefit/ Risk Evaluation Report’s.
Training on location in pharmacovigilance veterinary wherein critical topics as;
Electronic AE Reporting in EVVET including narrative writing,
VedDRA coding
Causality Assessment writing,
ABON coding in Eudravigilance,
Writing CSDS, Excel Line Listing
and Signal Detection according EU Guidelines (2019/06).